Loai Atmania

Long form


Short form


I edited a short video for a YouTuber known for their gym content, trimming unnecessary parts to keep it concise and engaging. The video, tailored with the latest editing styles popular among gym enthusiasts, successfully attracted a good number of views, resonating well with the fitness community.

I created a video for a product called the Anti-Mud Mat by Muddy Mat, aimed at pet owners dealing with messy floors. I wrote the script myself and used the video in ads on TikTok and Facebook. It was a big success, generating $50k in sales. The video got a lot of clicks, showing a high CTR (click-through rate), and it was cost-effective, meaning the CPA (cost per acquisition) was low. It's a highlight in my portfolio because of its impact and efficiency.

For the Wizz product from Muddy Mat, a pet odor remover and cleaning solution, I was up against a lot of competition. To make a mark, I turned to AI-generated images and an AI voiceover, crafting a standout video. This innovative approach caught viewers' attention by offering something different from the usual ads. The AI features added a novel twist, sparking curiosity. This creative strategy brought in a good number of sales and achieved an impressive CTR (click-through rate) of 5%. This campaign is a proud moment in my portfolio, demonstrating how using new technologies like AI can help cut through the clutter and engage the audience, even in crowded markets.

I also made a video for the same brand, Muddy Mat, but this time the focus was on solving the problem of messy floors caused by dogs. Just like the first video, I crafted the script on my own. We showcased this one on TikTok and Facebook ads too. It really resonated with the audience, leading to $30k in sales. The video had a high CTR (click-through rate), proving it grabbed viewers' attention. And just like before, the cost to get these results was low, making the campaign efficient in reaching our target. This video is another proud piece in my portfolio, showing how a good story can lead to great results.

For the Dr. Meal video, we started strong with an engaging hook and quickly highlighted the product's benefits, aligning with the latest trends in ad styles. The background music was in perfect harmony with the script's vibe, enhancing the message. This modern approach, combined with our focus on the product's advantages from the start, struck a chord with the audience, leading to a notable increase in purchases. This project showcases how staying updated with current advertising trends and creatively integrating them can significantly impact results, making it a standout piece in my portfolio.

For another Muddy Mat video, we took a different approach and focused on the sheer number of happy customers instead of sales in dollars. This time around, we proudly hit over 100 new purchases! We spiced things up with a catchy hook, "Things That Are Worth Spending Money On - Part X," which really caught on. This fresh angle gave us a high CTR (click-through rate), showing that our audience was eager to click and learn more. It's another creative win in my portfolio, proving the power of a trendy hook and a good story.

For the Pop Pop Toy video, we ditched the usual testimonial style and voiceovers. Instead, we let the game speak for itself through upbeat music and engaging text descriptions. This simple yet effective approach highlighted the toy's features and the fun it brings. The video caught viewers' attention, earning high engagement rates and proving that sometimes, less is more. This project stands out in my portfolio as a testament to the power of music and visuals in storytelling.

For another Anti-Mud Mat campaign, we took a fresh approach by skipping the voiceovers and instead using powerful keywords to spotlight the mat's main benefits. We complemented these keywords with high-quality shots of the mat in action, showing off its effectiveness in keeping floors clean from muddy messes. This visual strategy, focused on the product's key features, connected well with our audience, drawing their attention to what the mat can do for them. This approach allowed us to convey the mat's value effectively, resulting in positive audience engagement and outcomes. This video is another example in my portfolio of how visual storytelling and strategic keyword use can make a strong impact without a single word spoken.

I produced a short-form animated video featuring only voice-over, without any on-screen person. The animation used vibrant icons and popping text to maintain viewer attention and enhance understanding of the script. This approach made the content engaging and easy to follow, focusing on delivering the message effectively through animation.

I created a viral short-form content piece for Instagram, aimed at medspa owners. The video shared tactics and tips on boosting sales, combining engaging visuals with actionable information. Its success on Instagram highlights its appeal and effectiveness in reaching and resonating with the target audience.

For an animated video promoting the ACA (American Subsidy Health Card), I focused on encouraging people to register. The animation brought a dynamic and engaging way to explain the benefits and ease of registration, resonating well with the target audience. The video not only captured viewers' attention but also translated into great click-through rates (CTR) and a significant number of registrations. This project stands out for its effective use of animation to convey important information in an accessible and compelling manner, leading to successful outcomes in both engagement and action taken by viewers.

For the Imagine Cleaner product, I created a short animated video for the website, focusing on showcasing the product's benefits. This video helped set us apart from competitors and resulted in a notable boost in conversion rates, proving its effectiveness in engaging visitors and encouraging purchases.

For the Incense Waterfall website header, I created a captivating animation that shows the incense smoke flowing down like a waterfall. This peaceful visual draws visitors in, enhancing the site's appeal and complementing the product's serene vibe..

For the Galactic Orb game website, I integrated a dynamic GIF loop as the main visual, featuring the orb smoothly navigating through a galaxy of stars and obstacles. This engaging loop captures the essence of the game, inviting visitors to dive into the adventure and explore the game further.

Loai Atmania